Sunday, March 6, 2011

{new things}

Ahh! I haven't been checking in here like I want to. We have had a case of the sickies around here lately. About a week ago we caught influenza..the real thing. It has been awful, poor Aiden had to go to the hospital because he wasn't able to fight it off on his own. We've been resting and eating a ton of homemade chicken soup, and finally, a week later, we are starting to feel a little better. We still have a good week or two to regain our strength and energy, but it's nice to have the worst behind us.

Since getting my Zumba certification, I have been practicing and working hard to get my hour of songs down. I have taught a few classes and officially take over the owners classes in two weeks. This Saturday I will have my own class- woohoo! I was supposed to start this past week, but with our family being so sick and now needing to get back to 100% healthy, we pushed it out a bit so I don't get run down. I really appreciate my boss, she is amazing.

I recently received some blood work back: allergy testing, kidney function...all sorts of fun stuff. It came back with the results that I am off the charts allergic to gluten, eggs, and pineapple. Weird. I have been starch and sugar free for almost 8 months now..and then..this week being sick, I caved. This week I ate gluten free bread (huge starch), gf brownies (heaven), and gf pasta. And that's all it took. A few 'cheater days' here and there and now I am addicted again. Not so much to gives me the worst headaches, but to the mouth feel of bread.

Just this past week, I gained three pounds and have been crampy and bloated and feeling awful. Yesterday I did a fast until dinner and drank a lot of fluids and a lot of lemon juice and went down two pounds. I am feeling better, but man, that happened fast.

The other part of my blood work showed that I have metabolic acidosis. This means that I have a 'toxic liver' and it's poisoning my biggie. Eeek! My Dr. is putting me on a 6 week treatment to clean out my liver, I have to take 4 different medications (natural) to get this fixed. What's the cause?? PARASITES! In the last 8 years, I have had parasites twice from international travel. Those little buggers can destroy the health of your body. My hope and prayer is that once this six weeks is over, my liver will be functioning properly and I will feel good, healthy and strong.

Tomorrow I start the medications and a special diet: No sugars (only stevia), no starch, no red meat, coffee, chocolate, nuts, or dairy, TONS of veggies, two servings of fruit, and only chicken or certain types of fish. Don't I sound like loads of fun? Oh- my carbon dioxide levels are too high as I get to blow up a giant balloon several times a day. My kids are going to love that part!

My concern is how these medications will make me feel and how in the heck am I going to have the energy to take care of my four sweet kids, homeschool them, teach zumba, take care of my new business, and be a good wife. (yikes..that shouldn't have come last...not in order! :) God will meet my needs and everything else will just have to wait I suppose.

My Dr. said I might feel sick for the first couple of weeks...I sure hope not.

So there you have it. The longest blog check in ever and my life in a nut shell. I'll check in this week as I start this new treatment. I can do anything for 6 weeks...right?

Do me a favor? Eat a big fatty piece of chocolate cake for me...just one. Then make all your other meals primal and healthy. ;-)