Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Meal 1 this morning: Egg whites, ground turkey, kale, and banana.

I helped out in my sons classroom this morning making 'spider bread'- temptation 1 of the day. Nothing beats the smell of freshly baking bread. Thankfully, I had already eaten my first meal and had gum to keep me distracted. No thank you!

Energy is still low...or maybe it's that I got four kids dressed, fed, and to school by 7:45 to bake...that could be it too. Oh- and the no coffee thing. I walked out the door with two different shoes on and no car keys...we also had to turn the van around and get a forgotten homework folder. What can I say...it's Monday.....right? ;)

Workouts today:
-Teach Zumba
-Abs/ Sculpt

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”

- Sir Winston Churchill

Choosing to focus on the opportunities of this day and each day training. It's hard, but reachable. SO DO IT!!

xo, Dutchess
(yes, I have figured out that it's in fact, Tuesday!)


Mandy said...

LOOL, i was going to point that out;)

Mandy said...

um, that was L-O-L. see? i'm as big of dork as you! :D

Dutchess said...

Haha Mandy you are awesome! :)